A site for antique outboards, mopeds, and select automobiles

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Email Rules:

#1) Nothing on this website is for sale so please do not ask.

#2) Please avoid asking "What is it worth?" questions. These are simply too hard to answer via email and without a thorough evaluation of the item involved.

#2B) If you have a question relating to one of the items on this site please be specific about what type of machinery (model and serial #s help) and exactly what it is you are looking for - I will do my best to answer you. You wouldn't believe some of the emails I've received, one of my favorites read simply: "What type of motor do I have?" I answered: "Yes - but I'm not telling!"

#3) When you receive a reply from me please let me know if you find the information helpful. You'd be amazed at how many people forget the simple courtesy of a THANK YOU for my time answering their questions. Even in the impersonal world of the internet it's nice to know your appreciated!

#4) All other problems or issues please see THE DISCLAIMER

You will need to manually type the email address into your email. I'm sorry this is not automatic but it helps to limit the amount of SPAM we receive.

You will need to manually type the email address into your email. I'm sorry this is not automatic but it helps to limit the amount of SPAM we receive.





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